![Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会1 Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会1](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1717742827-f8e9e021ab4feeb.jpg)
影片名称 : André Rieu – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) [Blu-ray]
文件体积 : 45.9G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0
文件体积 : 45.9G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0
Description :
This concert beautifully recreates for you the musical spectacle that took place in the courtyard in front of Vienna′s Schönbrunn Palace in the Summer of 2006. From the moment the orchestra arrives in horse-drawn carriages, dancers and singers in lavish costumes and, of course, the violin maestro himself captivate the audience right up until special guest DJ Otzi closes the evening with a rousing Austrian-style party. Ice dancers, including the German champions Aljona Savtschenko and Robin Szolkowy, dance to My Heart Will Go On from the film Titanic, and other tracks include Roses From The South, The Third Man, Emperor′s Waltz, and more.
Tracklist :
01 Entry march / Einzugsmarsch
02 Trumpet Voluntary
03 At the Hunt / Auf der Jagd
04 Fächerpolonaise
05 Roses from the South / Rosen aus dem Süden
06 Heia in the Mountains / Heia in den Bergen
07 Tales from the Viena Woods / G′schichten aus dem Wienerwald
08 The Third Man / Der Dritte Mann
09 Comerades, this life is the life for me / Freunde, das Leben ist Lebenswert
10 The Girls from the “Chantant” / Die Mädis vom Chantant
11 The Gypsy Princess / Die Csárdásfürstin
12 Without a care ! / Ohne Sorgen
13 Feast of Fire / Feuerfest
14 My Heart Will Go On (from Titanic)
15 Wenn Ich Mit Meinem Dackel
16 Heut Kommen d′Engerln auf Urlaud nach Wean
17 Spiel mir das Lied von Glück und Treu
18 Emperor′s Waltz / Kaiserwalzer
19 I Belong to Me / Ich gehör nur mir
20 The Beaultiful Blue Danube / An der schönen blauen Donau
21 Radetzky March / Radetzkymarsch
22 Staruss & Co.
23 Vienna, City of my Dreams / Wien du Stadt meiner Träume
24 Music, Music!
25 Anton aus Tiroul
26 Donauwalzer / Danube Waltz
27 Stauss Party
28 Adieu, Little Captain of my Heart / Adieu, mein Kleiner Gardeoffizier
02 Trumpet Voluntary
03 At the Hunt / Auf der Jagd
04 Fächerpolonaise
05 Roses from the South / Rosen aus dem Süden
06 Heia in the Mountains / Heia in den Bergen
07 Tales from the Viena Woods / G′schichten aus dem Wienerwald
08 The Third Man / Der Dritte Mann
09 Comerades, this life is the life for me / Freunde, das Leben ist Lebenswert
10 The Girls from the “Chantant” / Die Mädis vom Chantant
11 The Gypsy Princess / Die Csárdásfürstin
12 Without a care ! / Ohne Sorgen
13 Feast of Fire / Feuerfest
14 My Heart Will Go On (from Titanic)
15 Wenn Ich Mit Meinem Dackel
16 Heut Kommen d′Engerln auf Urlaud nach Wean
17 Spiel mir das Lied von Glück und Treu
18 Emperor′s Waltz / Kaiserwalzer
19 I Belong to Me / Ich gehör nur mir
20 The Beaultiful Blue Danube / An der schönen blauen Donau
21 Radetzky March / Radetzkymarsch
22 Staruss & Co.
23 Vienna, City of my Dreams / Wien du Stadt meiner Träume
24 Music, Music!
25 Anton aus Tiroul
26 Donauwalzer / Danube Waltz
27 Stauss Party
28 Adieu, Little Captain of my Heart / Adieu, mein Kleiner Gardeoffizier
视频截图 :
![Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会3 Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会3](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1717742849-052af3dc10d5c6b.jpg)
![Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会5 Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会5](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1717742851-262ef484ebc2d74.jpg)
![Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会7 Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会7](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1717742852-41f463544f3eaad.jpg)
![Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会9 Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会9](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1717742853-77e304bada90396.jpg)
![Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会11 Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会11](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1717742854-c73126578e44a16.jpg)
![Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会13 Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会13](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1717742856-9b43007e61ac61c.jpg)
![Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会15 Andre Rieu 安德烈瑞欧 – At Schonbrunn, Vienna (2010) 蓝光原盘1080P [BDMV 45.9G]Blu-ray、古典音乐会、蓝光演唱会15](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1717742858-1c76469db7c99b1.jpg)
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Disc Title:
Disc Size: 49 319 472 548 bytes
Protection: AACS
BD-Java: No
BDInfo: 0.5.6
Name: 00009.MPLS
Length: 2:28:52 (h: m: s)
Size: 42 143 164 416 bytes
Total Bitrate: 37.74 Mbps
Codec Bitrate Description
—– ——- ———–
MPEG-4 AVC Video 29586 kbps 1080i / 29.970 fps / 16: 9 / High Profile 4.1
Codec Language Bitrate Description
—– ——– ——- ———–
DTS-HD Master Audio German 4478 kbps 5.0 / 48 kHz / 4478 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.0 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit / DN -4dB)
LPCM Audio German 1536 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 1536 kbps / 16-bit
Codec Language Bitrate Description
—– ——– ——- ———–
Presentation Graphics English 7,596 kbps
Presentation Graphics Dutch 7,377 kbps
Presentation Graphics French 6,655 kbps
Presentation Graphics German 0,007 kbps
Presentation Graphics Portuguese 6,795 kbps
Presentation Graphics Spanish 7,347 kbps
Name Time In Length Size Total Bitrate
—- ——- —— —- ————-
00011.M2TS 0: 00: 00.000 2 : 28: 51.789 42 143 139 840 37 747
00008.M2TS 2: 28: 51.789 0: 00: 00.500 24 576 393