影片名称 : Yuja Wang – Through the Eyes of Yuja (2018) [Blu-ray]
文件体积 : 19.6G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0
文件体积 : 19.6G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0
Label : C Major
Released : 14th Sep 2018
Piano : Yuja Wang
Performers : Camerata Salzburg
Conductor : Lionel Bringuier
Released : 14th Sep 2018
Piano : Yuja Wang
Performers : Camerata Salzburg
Conductor : Lionel Bringuier
Tracklist :
Concert 音乐会 (42mins) :
Documentary 纪录片 (47mins) :
This film is a journey with the famous pianist Yuja Wang. With more than 120 performances a year, she lives a nomadic lifestyle. The exploration of Yuja′s wanderings is a travelogue of exciting venues, glitzy cities and encounters with extraordinary artists, such as Gustavo Dudamel, Gauthier Capuçon and Leonidas Kavakos and personalities of other professional horizons but there is also a downside: fatigue, jet lag, pressure, doubts, hostilities, disorientation, and loneliness. With a bittersweet reference to the transience of life, the film reveals the invisible that complements the visible and shows us this artist in a very personal way. Pianists have to be alone all the time, and it′s hard, it′s lonely.
视频截图 :
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