![黄翠珊 (Susan Wong) – 流金岁月 My Live Stories (2013) 1080P蓝光原盘 [BDMV 20.3G]Blu-ray、华语演唱会、蓝光演唱会1 黄翠珊 (Susan Wong) – 流金岁月 My Live Stories (2013) 1080P蓝光原盘 [BDMV 20.3G]Blu-ray、华语演唱会、蓝光演唱会1](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1602505260-6cf1314700035cb.jpg)
Hi-Fi天后Susan Wong首次發行藍光Blu-ray!於2002年正式出道的Susan Wong加盟Evosound旗下第四張專輯《流金歲月》,除了遠赴美國洛杉磯最著名的百年教堂Ocean Way Studios錄製,更號召頂尖樂手合作,盡善盡美的發燒經典於焉誕生!Susan Wong個人更私心推薦:「這是我出道以來,最棒的專輯!」
本片收錄當時錄音實況,穿插Susan Wong的個人訪談,以高畫質呈現。集結了民謠、爵士,搖滾與靈魂樂,樂迷更能驚喜的發現Susan Wong的嗓音,有別於以往的輕柔可人,更增添了不少成熟厚實的韻味!為自己的演唱生涯,立下嶄新里程碑。
曲目列表 :
01. You’ ve got a friend
02. Billie Jean
03. Something
04. (They long to be) Close to you
05. September
06. You make me feel like a natural Woman
07. What a difference a day made
08. Perfect
09. Cry me a river
10. I will survive
11. Love will keep us alive
12. California dreaming
13. When you say nothing at all
14. Sometimes when we touch
15. Have you ever seen the rain
16. Do that to me one more time
17. Desperado
02. Billie Jean
03. Something
04. (They long to be) Close to you
05. September
06. You make me feel like a natural Woman
07. What a difference a day made
08. Perfect
09. Cry me a river
10. I will survive
11. Love will keep us alive
12. California dreaming
13. When you say nothing at all
14. Sometimes when we touch
15. Have you ever seen the rain
16. Do that to me one more time
17. Desperado
视频截图 :
![黄翠珊 (Susan Wong) – 流金岁月 My Live Stories (2013) 1080P蓝光原盘 [BDMV 20.3G]Blu-ray、华语演唱会、蓝光演唱会3 黄翠珊 (Susan Wong) – 流金岁月 My Live Stories (2013) 1080P蓝光原盘 [BDMV 20.3G]Blu-ray、华语演唱会、蓝光演唱会3](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1602505054-08f5b7b65beb6fc.jpg)
![黄翠珊 (Susan Wong) – 流金岁月 My Live Stories (2013) 1080P蓝光原盘 [BDMV 20.3G]Blu-ray、华语演唱会、蓝光演唱会5 黄翠珊 (Susan Wong) – 流金岁月 My Live Stories (2013) 1080P蓝光原盘 [BDMV 20.3G]Blu-ray、华语演唱会、蓝光演唱会5](https://www.do-mi.club/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/1602505054-3196defa457399e.jpg)
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MPEG-4 AVC Video 28444 kbps 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.1
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DTS-HD Master Audio English 7666 kbps 5.1 / 96 kHz / 7666 kbps / 24-bit (DTS Core: 6.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)
LPCM Audio English 4608 kbps 2.0 / 96 kHz / 4608 kbps / 24-bit
Codec Language Bitrate Description
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Presentation Graphics English 22.863 kbps
Good Album