影片名称 : Joe Bonamassa – Tour De Force Live In London : Shepherd′s Bush Empire (2013) [Blu-ray]
文件体积 : 35.8G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 Dolby AC3 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0
文件体积 : 35.8G
封装格式 : 蓝光原盘 BDMV
音轨规格 : 英语 DTS-HDMA 5.1 英语 Dolby AC3 5.1 英语 LPCM 2.0
Description :
Tour De Force Live In London chronicles Bonamassa′s atmospheric rise from the intimate club environment of The Borderline, to the prestigious Royal Albert Hall. Each individual evening was marked by a unique theme with different set lists, arrangements and ensembles providing the viewer with four unique performances. His journey begins in the intimate setting of the 200-capacity London Borderline with a three-piece band. The result is a jammy tribute to Bonamassa′s earlier career, with songs he hasn′t played live in years. Next is a blues-themed night at Shepherd′s Bush Empire, featuring a horns section to create a soulful, big-blues-band feel. He then moves to the Hammersmith Apollo which opens with a short acoustic set before moving into a rock-inspired evening.
Tracklist :
01. Albion (Intro)
02. Slow Train
03. So It′s Like That
04. Midnight Blues
05. Last Kiss
06. So Many Roads
07. Band intros
08. You Better Watch Yourself
09. Chains & Things
10. Lonesome Road Blues
11. Stop!
12. I Got All You Need
13. The Great Flood
14. The Ballad Of John Henry
15. Asking Around For You
16. Further On Up The Road
17. World′s End (Credits)
02. Slow Train
03. So It′s Like That
04. Midnight Blues
05. Last Kiss
06. So Many Roads
07. Band intros
08. You Better Watch Yourself
09. Chains & Things
10. Lonesome Road Blues
11. Stop!
12. I Got All You Need
13. The Great Flood
14. The Ballad Of John Henry
15. Asking Around For You
16. Further On Up The Road
17. World′s End (Credits)
视频截图 :
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