Taylor Swift – Midnights (The Til Dawn Edition) (2023) [qobuz] [FLAC 24bit/48kHz]
音乐流派 : Pop
出版厂牌 : Taylor Swift
发行时间 : 26/05/2023
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : 24bit, 48kHz, Hi-Res
出版厂牌 : Taylor Swift
发行时间 : 26/05/2023
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : 24bit, 48kHz, Hi-Res
Midnights isn′t a retreat so much as a return, a revival of the moody electro-pop that kept Reputation roiling. Where that 2017 record carried a measure of defiance, the vibe of Midnights is contemplative even when beats are insistent, as they are on occasion. Despite these fleeting moments of urgency, the record is clearly a soundtrack to be played in the wee hours of the morning.
Tracklist :
01. Lavender Haze
02. Maroon
03. Anti-Hero
04. Snow On The Beach
05. You′re On Your Own, Kid
06. Midnight Rain
07. Question…?
08. Vigilante Shit
09. Bejeweled
10. Labyrinth
11. Karma
12. Sweet Nothing
13. Mastermind
14. The Great War
15. Bigger Than The Whole Sky
16. Paris
17. High Infidelity
18. Glitch
19. Would′ve, Could′ve, Should′ve
20. Dear Reader
21. Hits Different
22. Snow On The Beach (feat. More Lana Del Rey)
23. Karma
02. Maroon
03. Anti-Hero
04. Snow On The Beach
05. You′re On Your Own, Kid
06. Midnight Rain
07. Question…?
08. Vigilante Shit
09. Bejeweled
10. Labyrinth
11. Karma
12. Sweet Nothing
13. Mastermind
14. The Great War
15. Bigger Than The Whole Sky
16. Paris
17. High Infidelity
18. Glitch
19. Would′ve, Could′ve, Should′ve
20. Dear Reader
21. Hits Different
22. Snow On The Beach (feat. More Lana Del Rey)
23. Karma
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