Celtic Woman – Voices Of Angels (2018) [FLAC 24bit/48kHz]
音乐流派 : Folk, Classical Crossover
出版厂牌 : Celtic Collections
发行时间 : 2018
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : 24bit, 48kHz, Hi-Res
出版厂牌 : Celtic Collections
发行时间 : 2018
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : 24bit, 48kHz, Hi-Res
Info for Voices of Angels
Celtic Woman has a remarkable twelve-year legacy of introducing the most talented singers and musicians from Ireland onto the world stage. Voices Of Angels showcases the angelic voices of Susan McFadden, Mairead Carlin, Eabha McMahon and introduces the breathtaking new Celtic violinist Tara McNeill.
The Voices Of Angels (Manhattan / Caroline) album contains some of the most popular songs from the Celtic Woman repertoire along with several previously unrecorded tracks, all with stunning new orchestral arrangements recorded with the 72-piece Orchestra of Ireland.
Tracklist :
01. My Heart Will Go On
02. Isle Of Hope, Isle Of Tears
03. As She Moved Through The Fair
04. Mo Ghile Mear (My Gallant Star)
05. Ave Maria
06. For The Love Of A Princess
07. Time To Say Goodbye
08. Dulaman
09. Walk Beside Me
10. O, America!
11. A Time For Us
12. Across The World
13. Téir Abhaile Riú
14. Joy To The World
15. Silent Night
16. Once In Royal David′s City
02. Isle Of Hope, Isle Of Tears
03. As She Moved Through The Fair
04. Mo Ghile Mear (My Gallant Star)
05. Ave Maria
06. For The Love Of A Princess
07. Time To Say Goodbye
08. Dulaman
09. Walk Beside Me
10. O, America!
11. A Time For Us
12. Across The World
13. Téir Abhaile Riú
14. Joy To The World
15. Silent Night
16. Once In Royal David′s City
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