Son Lux – Everything Everywhere All at Once (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)(2022) [FLAC 24bit/48kHz]
音乐流派 : Film Soundtracks, Alternative
出版厂牌 : A24 Music
发行时间 : 2022-04-08
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : 24bit, 48kHz, Hi-Res
出版厂牌 : A24 Music
发行时间 : 2022-04-08
文件格式 : FLAC tracks
文件采样 : 24bit, 48kHz, Hi-Res
Tracklist :
01. This Is A Life (Extended)
02. Wang Family Portrait
03. Very Busy
04. Vvvery Busy
05. What Are You Thinking About?
06. What a Fast Elevator!
07. Switch Shoes to the Wrong Feet
08. Nothing Could Possibly Matter More
09. A Choice
10. Chapstick
11. The Fanny Pack
12. Jobu Tupaki
13. The Alphaverse
14. The Mission
15. Deirdre Fight
16. Waymond Cries
17. I Love You Kung Fu
18. My Life Without You
19. The Story of Jobu
20. Rendezvous at the Premiere
21. It′s you… Juju Toobootie
22. Everything Bagel
23. You′re Living Your Worst You
24. The Boxcutter
25. Send Every Available Jumper
26. Opera Fight
27. Dog Fight
28. Drummer Fight
29. Plug Fight
30. Pinky Fight
31. I Have Been Watching
32. Somewhere Out There in All That Noise
33. Jobu Sees All
34. The Temple
35. Evelyn Everywhere
36. Evelyn All At Once
37. This Is How I Fight
38. In Another Life
39. It All Just Goes Away
40. Clair de Lune (Pied au Piano)
41. Come Recover (Empathy Fight)
42. Your Day Will Come (Empathy Fight)
43. Let Me Go
44. Specks Of Time
45. This Is A Life
46. Fence
47. Now We′re Cookin′
48. Sucked Into A Bagel
49. I Love You
02. Wang Family Portrait
03. Very Busy
04. Vvvery Busy
05. What Are You Thinking About?
06. What a Fast Elevator!
07. Switch Shoes to the Wrong Feet
08. Nothing Could Possibly Matter More
09. A Choice
10. Chapstick
11. The Fanny Pack
12. Jobu Tupaki
13. The Alphaverse
14. The Mission
15. Deirdre Fight
16. Waymond Cries
17. I Love You Kung Fu
18. My Life Without You
19. The Story of Jobu
20. Rendezvous at the Premiere
21. It′s you… Juju Toobootie
22. Everything Bagel
23. You′re Living Your Worst You
24. The Boxcutter
25. Send Every Available Jumper
26. Opera Fight
27. Dog Fight
28. Drummer Fight
29. Plug Fight
30. Pinky Fight
31. I Have Been Watching
32. Somewhere Out There in All That Noise
33. Jobu Sees All
34. The Temple
35. Evelyn Everywhere
36. Evelyn All At Once
37. This Is How I Fight
38. In Another Life
39. It All Just Goes Away
40. Clair de Lune (Pied au Piano)
41. Come Recover (Empathy Fight)
42. Your Day Will Come (Empathy Fight)
43. Let Me Go
44. Specks Of Time
45. This Is A Life
46. Fence
47. Now We′re Cookin′
48. Sucked Into A Bagel
49. I Love You
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