牛尾憲輔 – Chainsaw Man Original Soundtrack Complete Edition – chainsaw edge fragments – (2023) [mora] [FLAC 24bit/96kHz]
レーベル Sony Music Labels Inc.
配信開始日 2023.01.25
収録曲数 全49曲
収録時間 1:24:39
サイズ合計 2.8GB
販売データ ハイレゾ|FLAC|96.0kHz/24bit
配信開始日 2023.01.25
収録曲数 全49曲
収録時間 1:24:39
サイズ合計 2.8GB
販売データ ハイレゾ|FLAC|96.0kHz/24bit
01. edge of chainsaw
02. the door
03. imagine devils
04. the devil hunter
05. rain
06. nail-biter
07. black despair
08. that′s a dream come true
09. special division 4
10. looking for something
11. livingroom
12. chainsaw attacks!
13. the devil appears
14. destroy them all
15. good night,boy
16. sweet dreams
17. eat.sleep.play
18. 100% sales tax
19. kick ass!
20. the golden bowlers
21. search and destroy
22. death cluster
23. run
24. confront
25. humans are fools
26. buddy
27. song for unbirthday
28. verge of death
29. nmgeai
30. dream… come true
01. edge of chainsaw
02. the door
03. imagine devils
04. the devil hunter
05. rain
06. nail-biter
07. black despair
08. that′s a dream come true
09. special division 4
10. looking for something
11. livingroom
12. chainsaw attacks!
13. the devil appears
14. destroy them all
15. good night,boy
16. sweet dreams
17. eat.sleep.play
18. 100% sales tax
19. kick ass!
20. the golden bowlers
21. search and destroy
22. death cluster
23. run
24. confront
25. humans are fools
26. buddy
27. song for unbirthday
28. verge of death
29. nmgeai
30. dream… come true
01. you were here
02. ave xxxxxx
03. sepia
04. in the bullet train
05. brutal life
06. he′s on the back foot
07. arg.
08. pain in the ass
09. stranger in paranoid
10. pong pong pong
11. stay in the darkness
12. crawler
13. brotherhood
14. gun,knife
15. a tombstone
16. tear off
17. metal riser
18. sword of hunter
19. the end of childhood
01. you were here
02. ave xxxxxx
03. sepia
04. in the bullet train
05. brutal life
06. he′s on the back foot
07. arg.
08. pain in the ass
09. stranger in paranoid
10. pong pong pong
11. stay in the darkness
12. crawler
13. brotherhood
14. gun,knife
15. a tombstone
16. tear off
17. metal riser
18. sword of hunter
19. the end of childhood
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